Sunday, November 30, 2008

Race Day #1

I finally finished my poker players!  They are not all brilliant but now they don't fold with double aces!  I really can't believe I made that happen.  Pretty cool.  So after pushing through and staying up way way too late staring at the computer screen, debugging, I have finally made it to Bjorli for the races.  

We managed to catch the train and had a cozy little cabin waiting for us at the base of the mountain when we got here.  Not a bad setup.  

We skied a little bit yesterday afternoon.  Our tickets were good until 4:30 but there was only one trail with lights and the boys were racing on it.  By 4, it was like skiing with your eyes closed.  It was fully night.  And people were still going up the lift.  

Bjorli is a really cute tiny town.  There is one dinner pub, a Bunnpris and a pizza place.  You can walk across town in about 10 minutes (which we did when we got off the train).  The roads are not sanded and are just ice.  People nordic ski to get everywhere and they can just go down the road.  Also, to get groceries, we saw a lot of people using spark sleds.  

We woke up this morning at about 7:00 and when we went to the mountain at 7:30, the mountain looked like this:

But the course was set and ready to go.  Emily and I were a bit nervous as we hadn't trained very much and not so recently but it was a fun race.  Emily skied well but there was a quick hairpin that kicked her out of the course.

I thought I skied well first run.   The course was 1:12!  So it was pretty exhausting.  The second run was decent but I was not as clean as I had been during first run... But hey! Finishing two runs - I'll take that for a first race.  It felt good to be up on the mountain again.  

Good day of racing!

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