Sunday, September 28, 2008

Back to Juvaas

  I am little behind on the posts as I have been quite busy lately writing my poker player.  Last week we had to write a program that made cards, dealt cards, and identified what poker hands (straight, flush....) each hand contained.  And then we had to make sure that the amount they came up was the correct probability.  I had many late nights last week.  Now that is done, I have to actually make the game playable by Wednesday... so, yes things are busy.  

I am currently in a condo in Lom, by Juvaas Glacier once more.  Unfortunately I do not have my camera cord with me so I cannot show you all the beautiful scenery.  It is kind of like the last time I was here but with more threatening clouds and insane wind.  Yesterday we were unable to ski at all because the lift did not open, too much wind!  I thought Norwegians were tough.  But today they opened and there was an insane amount of wind so I cannot imagine what it must have been like yesterday!  

We are here with Bodil, Eirik's mother and her team once more.  Emily and I are staying in a condo with Bodil and a bunch of thirteen year old boys so things are lively.  Yesterday, during our day off, we had to race a circuit through the old houses shown in my previous pictures (the ones with the grass roofs and where I am pushing the plow) with a teammate.  My teammate was Kristoffer.  We sprinted up a hill, together had to do:  20 dips, run to the next station, 20 chin ups, run, 80 jump things, run, 40 pushups, run down steep incline to finish.  And that was just the first workout of the day.  Pretty much all we did that day was workout.  

Today Bodil drove Emily and I up to the glacier in the snow/rain = wintery mix (in New England terms).  Anyone who has driven that road knows how treacherous this is.  There are no guard rails and its a long way down!  Bodil was fearless.  When we made it to the glacier, she turned happily in her seat and asked, "How many cars did we pass?"  It was around five.  That is almost as well as my mother had done on a very similar journey seven years ago.  

The hill was packed despite the blustery  -10 degree weather (celsius of course).  and crazy winds.  The surface was rock hard corduroy interrupted by fairly deep snowdrifts so you had to be on your toes.  It was good for working on balance though.  And we got to run a few slalom gates as well.  The coach (who son has just been in Chile training with Aksel Lund Svindal, just the two of them, so he is probably no slouch) said I had some serious punch in my skiing that he really liked and gave me a pat on the back.  So I guess I looked good today!  Then of course we had some dryland along the side of a river.  We ran there.  Norwegians run or walk everywhere.  No matter where they are going, its just "a stone's throw away!"  We carried rocks, threw rocks, jumped on rocks... The session pretty much rocked (Sorry, I just miss Ed's (Williams coach) simple humor).  

Well, have to get back to my poker game.  I keep being really proud of my computer code.  Its in Lisp, and I keep wanting to show it to people but for some reason, nobody wants to look at my hard work.  So under-appreciated!

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